What is Software?

what is software and how to use it

When we talk about computers, we usually think of the physical parts—the keyboard, the monitor, or the mouse. But there’s another key component that brings all these parts to life: software. 

But what is software? 

Think of software as the brainpower behind your device. It’s a collection of instructions, data, or programs that allow your computer to do specific tasks, whether it’s creating a document, browsing the internet, or playing music.

In contrast, hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer. Software makes these parts useful by telling them exactly what to do.

What Is Software exactly?

Software is like a to-do list for your computer. It tells the machine what to do and how to do it. Whether you’re opening Microsoft Word, organizing data in Excel, or giving a presentation in PowerPoint—software is working behind the scenes to make it happen.

Types of Software

Software is more than just apps you click on. It comes in different forms, each designed for specific purposes. Here’s a quick breakdown:

System Software

System software is responsible for managing the core functions of your computer, making sure everything runs smoothly between the hardware and the applications you use daily. It works behind the scenes, giving other programs the green light to operate properly.

Key Types of System Software:

  1. Operating System (OS): This is the big one. The OS is the first thing your computer loads when you turn it on. It manages everything from your computer’s memory to external devices like your printer. Popular operating systems include Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  2. Language Processor: Computers don’t understand human languages like English or French. That’s where the language processor steps in, translating human-friendly programming languages like Python or Java into machine code.
  3. Device Driver: Ever plug in a new printer or mouse and have to wait while it installs? That’s your computer installing the device driver, which is a small program that helps your computer communicate with new hardware.

Application Software

Application software is what most people think of when they hear the word “software.” This category includes programs designed for specific tasks, from writing a letter to editing photos. If you’re interacting with it directly, it’s probably application software.

Key Types of Application Software:

  1. General Purpose Software: These are the everyday tools we all use, like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. They’re not tied to any specific industry or task, making them versatile for just about anything.
  2. Customized Software: Designed for a specific job or organization. Think of a railway reservation system or a tool designed specifically for managing inventory at a warehouse.
  3. Utility Software: Utility software keeps your computer running at peak performance. Programs like antivirus software, disk cleaners, and memory testers fall into this category.

System Software vs. Application Software

  • System Software keeps the computer’s hardware and core functions running smoothly. Without it, your computer wouldn’t even know how to turn on!
  • Application Software is designed for specific tasks, like writing a document or editing a photo. While helpful, your computer could still run without it (though it might be a bit boring).

Key Features of System and Application Software

  • System Software: It’s fast, efficient, and handles the nitty-gritty details of your computer’s operations. However, it’s not something most users interact with regularly.
  • Application Software: This software is typically more user-friendly and designed for specific tasks, which means you probably use it every day. It’s written in high-level languages, making it easier to design and understand.

How Is Software Created?

Software is developed through a structured process called software development. This involves several stages, from understanding the problem that needs solving to writing code that can solve it. 

Here’s a quick look at how software is created:

1. Planning and Analysis

Before anything is coded, developers need to understand what the software should do. This involves gathering requirements, understanding the user’s needs, and analyzing the best approach to solve the problem.

2. Design

Once the requirements are clear, the next step is designing the architecture of the software. This includes figuring out how different parts of the software will work together, creating flowcharts, and deciding on the technologies to use.

3. Implementation (Coding)

Now comes the fun part—writing the code. Developers use programming languages like Python, Java, or C++ to create the software. Depending on the project, there may be many people working on different parts of the software simultaneously.

4. Testing

Once the software is coded, it’s time to test it. This is done to make sure everything works as expected. Bugs (errors in the code) are common, and testing helps identify and fix them before users get their hands on the product.

5. Deployment

After thorough testing, the software is ready to be released. Deployment involves making the software available for users to install or use. It might be distributed via the internet or installed directly onto users’ devices.

6. Maintenance

The job doesn’t end once the software is deployed. Developers must maintain it to ensure it keeps working correctly, making updates and improvements as needed. Maintenance also involves fixing any bugs that are discovered after the software is released.

Different Types of Software Licensing

Software often comes with a license that defines how it can be used, modified, or distributed. These licenses are important as they outline the rights of both the developer and the user.

These are the 3 types of software licensing:

1. Proprietary Software

This is software that is owned by an individual or a company. Users need to purchase a license to use it, but they are not allowed to modify or redistribute it. Examples include Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop.

2. Open Source Software

Unlike proprietary software, open source software allows users to view, modify, and even distribute the code. This encourages collaboration and innovation, as anyone can contribute to improving the software. Popular examples include Linux and Mozilla Firefox.

3. Freeware and Shareware

Freeware is software that is free to use without any cost, but it’s still proprietary—meaning you can’t modify its code. Shareware is also free initially but may require payment after a trial period or for advanced features. WinRAR is an example of shareware.


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At just 20 years old, Ivana is not only the passionate founder of Global Newsly but also a newlywed, having celebrated her marriage in the summer of 2023. Her journey in journalism and storytelling is driven by a deep-seated love for learning and exploring the world. This curiosity has taken her across 15 countries and counting. In her free time, Ivana immerses herself in writing, channeling her experiences and emotions into her work. As a young entrepreneur, author, and traveler, Ivana embodies the spirit of a new generation of storytellers, bringing a fresh, empathetic voice to the world of news and literature.


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