10 Ways to Get into the Holiday Spirit

lady in pink coat stands before wooden doors in snowy weather

The holiday season is a magical time, but sometimes, the true holiday spirit of the season can feel just out of reach. Whether it’s due to stress, loneliness, or simply a change in routine, finding that festive cheer isn’t always easy. Here are ten detailed ways to help you embrace the joy and warmth of the holidays.

1. Decorate Your Space

Decorating your environment is a powerful way to trigger the holiday spirit. According to environmental psychology, our surroundings significantly impact our mood and emotions. Transforming your space with holiday decorations can create a festive atmosphere that uplifts your holiday spirit.

Begin by choosing a theme for your decorations. It could be something traditional like ‘Winter Wonderland’ or something more unique like ‘Retro Holiday’. A cohesive theme gives you a direction and makes the decorating process more enjoyable.

Decorating can be a fun activity to do with family and friends. It’s an opportunity to bond and create memories. For instance, you could make a day of it by playing holiday music, baking cookies, and then decorating together.

family decorating the tree and getting into the holiday spirit

Consider sustainable decorating practices. Use natural materials like pinecones, branches, and handmade ornaments. Not only is this environmentally friendly, but it also adds a unique and personal touch to your decorations.

Don’t forget the lighting. Soft and warm lights can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Consider using candles (or LED candles for safety) to add a warm glow to your space.

2. Bake Holiday Treats

Baking is not just about the delicious end product; it’s about the process. The act of measuring, mixing, and baking can be incredibly therapeutic. According to a study, engaging in small, creative projects like baking can lead to feelings of well-being.

Start with family recipes that bring back fond memories or try new recipes to create your own traditions. For example, baking gingerbread cookies or a fruitcake can be a delightful experience.


If you have children, involve them in the baking process. It’s a great way for them to learn and participate in the holiday preparations. Decorating cookies or cupcakes can be a fun and creative activity for them.

Baking is also about sharing and spreading joy. Consider packing some of your baked goods as gifts for neighbors, friends, or local community helpers. It’s a small gesture that can mean a lot during the holiday season.

Finally, try to practice mindful baking. Focus on the process, the smells, the textures, and the flavors. This mindfulness aspect can turn baking into a relaxing and rewarding activity.

3. Play Holiday Music

Music has a profound effect on our emotions and can instantly change the atmosphere of any setting. According to a study published in Nature Neuroscience, listening to music can release dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain. This is why holiday music can be so effective in lifting the holiday spirit.

Start by creating a holiday playlist. Mix classic carols with modern holiday hits to keep it interesting. Include songs that have personal meaning or bring back happy memories. For example, if “Jingle Bell Rock” reminds you of a great holiday party, add it to your list.

Consider exploring holiday music from different cultures. This can be a wonderful way to learn about and appreciate the diversity of holiday celebrations around the world. For instance, listening to Spanish villancicos or Hanukkah songs can add a new dimension to your holiday experience.

If possible, attend a live holiday concert or show. The experience of live music, especially in a communal setting, can be incredibly uplifting and a great way to get into the holiday spirit.

people singing together

Play your holiday playlist while decorating, cooking, or during dinner. It creates a festive background and can make everyday activities feel more special.

4. Watch Holiday Movies

Holiday movies often evoke nostalgia, a powerful emotion that can connect us to our past and create a sense of warmth and comfort. Watching classic holiday movies can remind us of the simplicity and joy of the season.

Choose a mix of movies – classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life”, comedies like “Elf”, or even holiday-themed romantic comedies. The variety will keep your movie nights interesting.

Make watching holiday movies a ritual. Set aside a specific night each week for a holiday movie. Make it special with blankets, hot cocoa, and your favorite snacks.

Photo merry christmas and happy new year! people having fun near tree indoors. loving family watching holiday movies

Many holiday movies carry meaningful messages about love, generosity, and gratitude. Discuss these themes with family or friends after watching. It can be a great way to reflect on the values of the holiday season.

For a fun twist, add interactive elements to your movie watching. This could be playing a holiday movie trivia game or having a themed snack matching the movie of the night. If you’re not a big fan of movies, you can even cozy up with a good winter book.

5. Craft Homemade Gifts

Homеmadе gifts arеn’t just a way to savе monеy; It’s a way to givе somеthing rеally pеrsonal and hеartfеlt. A study found that pеoplе fееl morе lovеd and apprеciatеd whеn thеy rеcеivе a handmadе gift, bеcausе it rеflеcts thе timе and thought put into it.

Considеr your skills and intеrеsts whеn dеciding what to do. It can bе anything from knitting, handmadе jеwеllеry, homеmadе candlеs and bakеd goods. For еxamplе, if you arе good at woodworking, a hand paintеd painting can makе a nicе gift.

top view of hands putting treats inside christmas gift bags

If you’rе, not surе whеrе to start, find a local workshop or onlinе coursе. Thеy can bе a fun way to lеarn a nеw craft and makе a gift at thе samе timе. Pottеry classеs, for еxamplе, can bе a grеat way to makе uniquе cеramic gifts. 

Crafting can be a family activity, especially with children. Simple crafts like making holiday cards, ornaments, or decorating picture frames can be enjoyable and easy for kids to participate in.

Remember, the value of a homemade gift is in the time and love you put into it. Don’t stress about perfection. The imperfections in handmade items are what make them unique and special.

6. Volunteer and Give Back to get Back Your Holiday Spirit

Voluntееring during thе holidays is a powеrful way to connеct with thе truе holiday spirit of thе sеason. Studiеs havе shown that altruistic bеhavior, likе voluntееring, can incrеasе happinеss and lifе satisfaction. 

Look for local charities, shelters, or community centers that need help. This could be anything from serving meals at a homeless shelter to participating in a toy drive for children.

volunteer handing a donation box

Volunteering can be a family activity. It’s a useful method for teaching kids appreciation and compassion. For example, families can volunteer together at a local food bank or organize a charity event in their community.

Keep in mind that even modest deeds of kindness may have a significant impact. Simple gestures like visiting a nursing home, sending holiday cards to soldiers overseas, or shoveling a neighbor’s driveway can spread a lot of joy.

After volunteering, take some time to reflect on the experience. Discuss with your family or friends about how it made you feel and the impact it had. This reflection can deepen the sense of fulfillment and connection to the holiday spirit.

7. Attend a Holiday Event

Attеnding local holiday еvеnts is a fantastic way to immеrsе yoursеlf in thе fеstivе atmosphеrе. Community еvеnts bring pеoplе togеthеr, crеating a sеnsе of bеlonging and sharеd joy. Rеsеarch has shown that participating in community activitiеs can еnhancе onе’s sеnsе of social connеctеdnеss and wеll-bеing. 

Look for events like holiday markets, tree lighting ceremonies, parades, or live Nativity scenes. For example, a Christmas market can offer unique crafts, foods, and a festive ambiance that’s hard to replicate.

Make attending a specific event a yearly tradition. This anticipation can become a significant part of your holiday season. Traditions create lasting memories and can be something to look forward to each year.

three couple with sparklers enjoying christmas outdoor party in the city street at night and with a lot of lights on

If possible, attend a live performance, such as a holiday concert, ballet (like The Nutcracker), or a theater production. Live performances have a unique way of conveying the holiday spirit of the season through art and storytelling.

Use these events as an opportunity to meet new people or learn more about different cultures and traditions. Engaging with your community can broaden your perspective and enhance your holiday experience.

8. Create a Holiday Tradition

Creating your own holiday tradition can be a meaningful way to celebrate the season. Traditions act as anchors, providing continuity and a sense of belonging. According to psychologists, traditions can strengthen family bonds and create a sense of security and predictability.

Your tradition could be anything that holds special meaning to you and your loved ones. It could be an annual holiday baking day, a special meal, a game night, or even a specific movie marathon. For instance, making gingerbread houses every year can be a fun and creative tradition.

Make sure your tradition is inclusive and enjoyable for all family members. It’s important that everyone feels involved and looks forward to it. Capture these moments through photos or a journal. This not only preserves memories but also allows you to reflect on these traditions in the future.

beautiful family celebrating christmas together

Remember, traditions can evolve. Don’t be afraid to change or adapt them as your family grows or circumstances change. The key is to maintain the holiday spirit of the tradition, even if the details vary.

9. Enjoy the Outdoors

Spending time outdoors, especially in the crisp winter air, can be invigorating and refreshing. Research has consistently shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance mental well-being.

Consider activities like walking to see the neighborhood holiday lights, going ice skating, or building a snowman if you’re in a snowy area. These activities not only provide exercise but also offer a unique way to experience the holiday season.

Many communities have light displays or outdoor holiday festivals. These events can be a delightful way to enjoy the season’s beauty. For instance, walking through a botanical garden adorned with holiday lights can be a magical experience.

If you’re in a location where winter sports are accessible, take advantage of activities like skiing, snowboarding, or sledding. These activities can be exhilarating and a great way to enjoy the season’s offerings.

family in knitted winter hats on vacation

Even a simple walk in a park or through a forest can be special during the holiday season. The quiet and peace of a winter landscape can provide a moment of reflection and appreciation for the season’s beauty.

10. Reflect and Be Grateful

The perfect time for reflection is the end of the year. Reflecting on the past year, with its ups and downs, can provide perspective and appreciation for what you have. Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction.

Journaling is a great way to reflect. Write about your experiences, challenges, achievements, and what you’re grateful for. This can be a cathartic process and a valuable keepsake for future reflection.

Express gratitude to those around you. This could be through holiday cards, phone calls, or even small tokens of appreciation. Acknowledging the role others have played in your year can strengthen relationships and spread joy.

 cute siblings celebrating christmas together

Volunteering during the holidays can also be a form of reflection. It allows you to appreciate your own circumstances and give back to those less fortunate. Use this reflective time to set intentions or goals for the new year. This isn’t about strict resolutions but rather setting positive aspirations for yourself and your community.


  1. I got into the holiday spirit in november, but im good now. Its a good read, no matter the fact if you’re in the mood or not. It shows some great ways how we can spend time with family and friends and help others.


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