Home Lifestyle Is Film Photography Dead?

Is Film Photography Dead?

Is film photography dead?

Photography has come a long way. We no longer have to sit for hours while some stuffy artiste paints the whole family. Nor do we have to slouch behind a sheet while the flash of the sun blinds the rest of our family.

Now we hold the power of photography in the palm of our hand. The tiny computer you call a phone can take stunning selfies, on-point portraits, and good enough-to-eat foodie pics.

Who needs to hire a professional photographer between the endless filters and free photo editing apps? Is film photography dead?

Not quite.

Why Hire a Pro Photographer?

Hiring a professional photographer might seem like a thing of the past. The truth is they are still in high demand. Although we have phones that can deliver professional-ish photos, we are still looking for experts to do the job.

When you hire a pro they do all the work for you. Yay! All you have to do is sit back and look good. Change your pose from time to time or refresh your makeup or hair.

They take the hassle out of editing. No need to download more apps or take a crash course in Photoshop. You tell them what you want and they make it happen. They can edit your photos with ease. You might have to wait for the editing process but when you get your picture-perfect moment captured- it’s worth it.

Can’t I Just Do It Myself?

Sure, you can.

You can take endless selfies, capture others in portrait mode, or use free editing tools to make free changes.

But what happens when you need to make an edit that is out of the free app scope? You can go with the classic Google search or look up a YouTube video. Or you can save yourself time, energy, headache, and hassle by hiring a pro and letting them do what they do best.

The lighting in the bathroom might not be ideal for that perfect selfie. You want to avoid shadows on your face, especially under your nose, cheeks, eyes, chin, and lips.

Location is a big deal. Location, location. The background or backdrop can make or break your photo. Where the photographer stands for the shot is key as well. Too far in front, you look too small; too far on the side, you’re in profile. A pro can handle lighting, location, and backdrops with no problems.

What Do Pros Even Take Pictures Of?

The list goes on and on.

  • Products
  • Babies
  • Pets
  • Special Events
  • Family Portraits
  • Weddings
  • Birthdays
  • Funerals
  • Siblings

Let’s break a few of these down in detail.


Your baby will grow so fast. Capture the precious time they are a newborn while you can. A professional can create stunning images of your little one while they are in their first months.


You only have one a year and you’re only that age once. Never forget a moment during your celebration when you hire a pro. You will have more than just selfies and foodie pics.


So many people and so many things happen at your wedding. The ceremony, the cake, the vows, the family, the rings, the flower girl, and all the rest. You can’t be the photographer at your wedding of course. Never miss a single shot when you have a pro on your side.


If you own a business, you know how important it is to have great pictures of your products. Experts can showcase your merchandise in a way that puts them in the perfect light. They will show all the details your customers want to see.

What’s The Big Picture, is Film Photography Dead?

You can take great pictures with your phone. With the advances in technology, new phone cameras, and super-high-tech apps it seems like you would never need to hire an expert to take pictures for you.

Experts are just that- experienced professionals in their line of work. They know the best venue, background, lighting, time of day, coordinated colors, and position to make your pictures perfect. Do it yourself or hire a professional. Your choice. In the end, you get what you pay for.



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